you are my pale sunshine...

Hello fabulous readers.
I did something yall wouldn't believe.
Especially after completing Operation: No White Walls.

It was BAD.
Everything was white and I couldn't handle it.
White walls are not in my nature when there is color everywhere else, except maybe Antarctica.
And with WOOD moulding that WILL NOT be painted white, there needed to be some changes.
First, the room was painted this color:
Retro Colonial Blue, and OOPS paint color I picked up at Lowe's one time.

Then I bought stenciles and had to try them out on something.
The room received a silver circle pattern, to match the curtains that I grew to HATE dislike strongly.

But did you notice how DARK and cavernous it is in this small room with LOADS of windows?
I hated going in there because it was too dark and annoying and it wasn't right.
PLUS, the retro colonial blue was mismatching the Jazz Club Blue walls in the living room;
the room adjacent to it.

The Jazz Club was staying, so the retro had to GO.

I found an entire gallon of oops paint I picked up at Lowe's sometime.
It's Valspar's premium paint and primer all in one.
And it was only $5.oo for the gallon, of which it normally costs over $30 a gallon for this stuff.
The color: Pale Sunshine.

Almost white, but a hint of yellow.
This color is way off from what it actually looks like, at least on our walls.
It took two coats to cover the dark blue and silver medallion like circles.
It's perfect. 
I did 3/4 of the walls.
The last wall standing without windows or doors on it is still retro colonial blue.
But just in doing those three walls.
and we're not done.
There are stripes to be done in this particular room.
I haven't decided horizontal or vertical, or plaid, or argyle, or nothing.
Maybe it'll stay 3/4 yella and 1/4 blue. 
what do yall think?

And WHAT should we do with this room?
We "inherited" a couch when we purchased this bungalow.
It has two twin sized beds that pull out from it, and it's a four cushion OLDER couch, but is mint condition.
There are castors in place of legs.
and it has flowers that actually match the silly colors I have painted this room.
