Morning Rituals

For as long as I can remember I have been a hot chocolate fan. I never remember not having it in the house. AS a youngester, we were subjected to Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix and for an extra special treat, we'd get the mini marshmellows. I am not sure how my sister and I grew to love marshmellows in our hot chocolate because mum never liked them and still refuses to top her hot choco with anything other than a spoon. However, we both still love them and I have moved onto LIGHT Whipped Cream in a can because marshmellows don't particularly enjoy our Desert heat, you cannot just pry a couple, you get the entire bag at once!
The other day I was making my luxurious much needed hot cocoa and noticed I was running low on the mix. This is never a good thing for me and so I googled it online since no one seems to want to stock this special item around here... and VOILA a sale on it at Amazon with a free shipping deal on purchases over $25.00. Sweet. I ordered my mix and look what arrived today!
It will also answer the question "what kind of cocoa mix do stores not regularly carry"... this is the ULTIMATE hot cocoa!!

Wait for it....

A  small sneak peek...

WoW. Isn't that a pretty site to see? It's DIRECTLY from San Fransico, a mere 10 hour drive away...

And here are my favorite flavors:  Pure fabulous flavor....I really enjoy the chocolate hazelnut mix.
Warning: DO not consume if you enjoy bland swiss miss generic cocoa mix... you will never go back.

And since Christmas is coming up; how warm and delightful is this flavor(peppermint hot cocoa)? Add a candy cane for garnish and it'll be ten times better (and cheaper) than Starbucks.

There it is, in  my pantry, awaiting the upcoming year. You may disregard the ugly shelf paper as this house is just another rental and we have no choice over this.  BUT, if it WERE my choice, a pretty black and white damask would work fabulously.

And this completes my morning ritual for at least another year... maybe less depending on the cool winter temperatures (hahaha) in the desert and the friends and family that join us for holiday gatherings. (who doesn't like hot cocoa?)
