Re-gifting comes from the HEART!

Yes. That is right, TRUE re-gifting does in fact come from the HEART. Jesus gave the ultimate gift so any other gifts we give are re-gifting what He's already given.  Everything we have is HIS. The best things we can give are our LIVES to Jesus and time and talents to HIM and others.
Oasis (The amazing Church God led us to here) gave each family $5.00 yesterday! Yes, the church gave money BACK to the congregation! (talk about backwards, eh?) $5.00 doesn't seem like a LOT but when given out of love, maybe we can add additional $5.00 and friends/neighbors can add more and it CAN become a lot for a needy family/friend/ homeless PERSON.
There are loads of programs like toys for tots, Angel Tree, etc to give TOYS to children for Christmas, but what about programs to give the essentials to people who literally have NOTHING! That is our challenge this week: give the $5.00 away... maybe buy a meal for a family (it CAN go a long way with rice, beans, tuna, and COUPONS!) , buy a sweatshirt at goodwill for a person, purchase a $5.00 gift card if you're worried about them spending it on alcohol, most honorable intentions to truly GIVE do not force people back into old habits.  Call me naive, but I know the $5.00 will help. I've prayed over WHO I am to help and what I am to do. I pray it truly does change the person for at least one day or an hour. It's already changed me and my Christmas shopping list, which I haven't started yet...

I think I may continue this $5.00 challenge... it's FIVE BUCKS, yall. It's a drive thru meal, a couple sodas, or HALF a movie ticket. I am sure we can GIVE that away. Does anyone want to take the challenge WITH me?
