Hardly moving...

Life has been moving fast. I bet we can all relate to that. Taxes are approaching their due dates, Spring semesters are half way done, SPRING is officially here, and soon Easter will be too. Which only means that SOON, we'll be gone from Yuma, too.

I will miss pictures like this at the tops of mountains in the middle of winter. I'll miss landscape that goes on for MILES without buildings, cars, roads, man-made objects clouding the view. I'll miss perfect winter temperature for outdoor adventures.
But with that ending comes a new adventure. A NEW Challenge, a new time to start fresh in a city we've never been to before. We're going to the land of snow and ice. We're going to the land of the COLTS, the land of a Zoo with PENGUINS, the land of a river in the middle of downtown! We're going to our new HOME.

We'll soon have more pictures to add to our header. We've been to both oceans, deserts, Massachusetts, and now onto the Mid-West. The only thing we're missing is the over seas duty. However, the Marine's already been so we don't have to go. 
Retirement is as close as six years. 
We'll both be in our THIRTIES.

