
So, it's been a whole entire week around here without a single post! Shocked? I am not. Taking a break from something can be healthy and I hadn't planned on the break, but it was nice, nonetheless. It means I was present at events with family, with my hubby, and finally DOING instead of typing or reading.
I was elfish.

Thanksgiving was delicious. I am going to be honest and say I STILL have leftovers in my fridge. Mainly because I don't eat leftovers and the house was completely empty by Monday, The Marine included(more training in New Orleans). We ate leftovers one day and refreshed things such as stuffing with making stuffed mushrooms, salad, and reheating the mac and cheese. No pictures were taken. I had a gorgeous table set with fancy dishes all in white, silver chargers, greenish/white mums, candles, and a pale BLUE table runner. There were no Thanksgiving colors to be seen, partly because we don't own any and partly because blue looked good. We looove blue.

We did go black friday shopping, but not until 11:30 a.m. Do you know how long it takes my in-laws to get ready? Typically two hours, I don't know what they do for that amount of time because that doesn't involve showering. It involves getting ready, like clothes changed, shoes on, purse grabbed type stuff. I'm clueless about what takes so long.

Saturday, we headed out to the Zoo even though my nephew was sick, he still wanted to go. We had plans to go to an indoor Farmer's Market that morning, but we again were waiting on the two hours to get ready so we ended up not moving until after it was over. The zoo was great. It's all lit up for Christmas and looks nice. The Marine and I will have to go back to just look at the lights, as we left just as they were coming on since it started sprinkling and nephew was already sick and passed out in a stroller.

Obviously NOT my Christmas tree.
Everything we own is blue.

Oh, and I have a funny story about the Christmas tree, but I'll tell yall some other time. It's hilarious in its own right and has taught me a lesson for sure.
Today is finishing up the garlands, writing Christmas cards, sending out Christmas gift exchange presents, and cleaning up. Thanksgiving will be gone from my fridge.

How was yalls week? Anything awesome happen?


trooppetrie said…
I so am not a leftover person. With 6 kids luckily there is not many leftovers