Easter is DONE! It's time for a new challenge.
Eating like the Poor didn't even last an entire week around our house.
We started with good intentions, but life commitments got in the way and we allowed them too.

I also haven't finished reading my Book in a month New Years challenge for March. I chose to read Kisses for Katie and it's so very challenging and heart warming. It's not challenging to read, as it's an easy read, but it's challenging in the same way CRAZY LOVE is. Comfort Zones being moved bigger and bigger.
Also, I'm doing an 8 week Bible Study on James, so it'll take a little bit longer to get through that book of the Bible.
I still can't fathom it being April already!
Tomorrow would have been Grandma's birthday.
I should e-mail or call Grandpa as he'll need a pick-me-up I am sure.
So for April and May, I am challenging myself to finally finally unpack all the boxes from our move back in JUNE 2011.
The garage has been keeping them ransom and the upstairs loft has several of them as well.
I've finally unpacked my scrapbook/craft room and haven't actually done EITHER since it's completed.
So, with this challenge also comes the 40 bags minimum challenge of getting rid of forty different bags/boxes of STUFF from now until Memorial Day.
I'm tired of trying to find places for things I think I needed years ago or still might use here or there.
It's just taking time and energy away from life and I'm tired of it.
No more clutter!
I enjoy making myself these small challenges.
What you do challenge yourself to do often?