
It's Christmas.

At least Christmas has come very early at the Jen/Marine Household.
We've upgraded our phones since the Marine's phone no longer accepted/answered any phone calls (which is bad when you're the bossman!)
I FINALLY got an iphone. I went with the 5 and adore the heck out of it.
The Marine went tech geeky with the Samsung Galaxy 3s. He adores it. It's a fun and functional phone. So mad props to it if you're looking for an android based phone, otherwise I highly recommend iphone.

Thanks Pinterest, I LOVE this 

Also, I am employed.
I acquired my dream job thanks to many awesome people and I'm stoked and ready to get working.
Yes, it's a church camp.
Yes, I'll be learning EVERYTHING church camp related while working on prepping the camp for its influx of summer visitors and many new camper groups in the off-season. I am sales/marketing/event planner of sorts. My official title and job responsibilities will be presented around the first of the year.
And YES, I accepted a job without knowing all the full details of it because (a) it's a church camp, I'll scrub dishes to work there and I have (b) they've created this position especially FOR me (c) we're trusting the Lord that this is the perfect timing for this position and the camp at this time. (the timeline for this particular job was in a couple/few years when budget allocated FAITH is playing out in each other and God and timing! ) I am STOKED and can't wipe the smile off my face.

And my role with the youth group leader just got a whole lot bigger. After this week, the youth leader is stepping aside and I'm the one left. I'm not doing it out of guilt, or because I'm the only one left. I'm doing it because I LOVE these youthins. I've seen the changes in them since I came on board and they honestly make it worthwhile. How big my role will be is still up in the air. But there will be changes coming and challenges and they're either going to love me or hate because they can do SO much more than they're currently doing in their faith.

Ohio bound for Christmas in the next few days, as well. It's been a great many years since I've been "home" for Christmas and I'm not sure what to expect. I'm the cookie maestro though and that's perfectly fine for me, too. We're taking over Grandpa's kitchen on Christmas Eve day and baking, baking, and baking while the guys taste test and do guy stuff. I can't wait to finally spend time with family baking, and laughing, and being together. 
And pray that this cold/allergies/sinus thing goes away.


Kate @ BROhaha said…
those cookies look great! thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Jen said…
Yay for an iphone and the cookies look amazing!